Reasons to take on: Advocacy


What is advocacy? Have you ever meet someone who adored a certain brand? Let’s take your mom for example; she may be devoted to a certain brand of chicken or sauce. Your favorite blogger may wear a particular brand of yoga clothes, and only fair trade chocolate. You see all these examples provide an insight into the world of advocacy. Advocacy, although understood in many different ways can be understood to be a form of influence or at the very least inspiration. Usually people who follow and advocate have trust in what they believe in and do! Advocates and influencers can actually be the same thing as they both stand for something. Below let’s take a deeper and more sophisticated look into advocacy.

Advocating a brand

When a brand is advocated for, the advocate often gives advice, tips, and recommendation behind their reason for why their brand is better in comparison to other brands. The advocate is truly satisfied with what they believe in and say. The relationship for an advocate, and the aspect that they are advocating for, whether that be a brand or  a social movement is not just a campaign it is a motivation. Thus, through that very motivation their advocacy is mentioned time after time. Another technique that advocates use, especially in regards to the aspect of brand is weaving that brand into conversations and content in a strategic yet compelling manner. Of course, at the end of the day the brand needs to be mentioned and represented on a daily basis.

Advocating to inspire others become an advocate

Of course it is easier said than done; this is line that I am sure you have heard time after time. However, the reason behind why I mentioned it here is that advocacy is the same. It is much easier to talk about advocacy, but much harder to understand and implement it! Therefore, the goal behind bringing our someone’s inner advocate is taking that person from just liking something to loving it! True advocacy is utter motivation and passion. It may sound hard, but all some people need is a nudge that puts them on the right track. When you meet someone who occasionally talk about something, that they potentially advocate give them a small reward for mention from this moment on. Make them feel like they are already an advocate, and a part of a service that is bigger than themselves. They just have to connect with what is truly important to them, and what they can fight for each day, if need be.

Making sure advocacy does not turn into a limited time campaign

Unlike commercials, and other forms that are short term awareness strategies. You see advocacy can be a promotion and/or a strategy, but it should be an ongoing affair that lasts for a long time, and makes a true impact. As, the process of advocacy is never ending where there is more emphasis on growth than there is anything else. When advocating for a certain issue or brand etc, make sure that you are featuring all of the aspects for that issue; streamline information and be clear about what your vision is. With a clear vision comes victory, and you never want any vital or important information slipping through the cracks.


Tips for advocacy

  • websites, and strategic placement of your message is all important when it comes to reaching the majority of the population
  • work with advocates, and always ask questions
  • do not be afraid to fail, as there is no such thing as failure in advocacy. Advocacy is all about a learning and educational experience that is just supposed to make you a better and more intellectual individual.
  • representing yourself in a positive and authentic manner can also increase your chances of gaining more followers, and sending your message.
  • focus on the building of relationships with the target audience and beyond
  • focus of giving and becoming responsibly vulnerable, instead of only getting
  • offer phenomenal product and service that puts you above and beyond your competition
  • email your followers to keep in touch with them, this way you can communicate new projects and so on
  • do not forget to give credit to anyone who helps you along the way
  • make sure that you also contrast and compare, this will always enhance your understanding in regards to the aspect which you are representing
  • making promises is okay, but always remember to never commit yourself to something you can’t follow through with

To conclude this blog on advocacy remember to always take your passion with you where ever you go. A true advocate brings passion to the table as one person, but leaves making all people on the table passionate about they are passionate about. If you understand and try to implement some of many advocating strategies and tactics outlined above I’m sure you’ll be on your way to some really great and big things very soon!