‘Real Beauty Sketches’ Ad Campaign by Dove Enlightens Women


Recently, I saw the new Dove Ad Campaign on reddit. Despite the controversy around Unilever (who own many companies including Dove and Axe), the ad campaigns by Dove have been very heartwarming on the idea of beauty.

In this campaign, Dove found seven women of different ages and backgrounds as well as a FBI-trained forensic artist Gil Zamora to create sketches of them based on descriptions of their own facial features. The artist and women never saw each other, but earlier in the day the strangers had an opportunity to spend time with one another.

Zamora created two sketches per woman: one described by the woman, and the other described by the stranger they met that day. It is a very lovely video, showing that women are their own worst critics.

If you have a few minutes, I highly suggest watching it (even if you don’t agree with the ad campaign) to see the reactions of the women.

[youtube XpaOjMXyJGk]


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