Get ready for TEDxYYC 2015!



Are you a fan of TED?! So am I! Join me at this year’s TEDxYYC event on Friday, June 26th where we will be hearing from a MIT Doctoral Candidate, an Emmy-award winning Canadian Filmmaker, a Tattoo Anthropologist, and more. It’s going to be a great day! If you happen to find myself, or fellow editor Hui Wen, please feel free to come say hi and hang out with us.

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I’m sure that we’ve all sat down in front of a computer screen and watched TED videos before, but wouldn’t it be amazing if you could experience the event for yourself? Well, now you have the opportunity to do so, because TEDxYYC is going to bring the fun and the inspiration right to our own city.

Click here for a full list of speakers, and click here to get your tickets right now! Remember that students receive an awesome discounted rate of $47.39, which is a pretty fair price to pay for an invaluable experience.

What are you waiting for? Buy yourself a ticket and save the date: Friday, June 26th at the Jack Singer Concert Hall. Go follow TEDxYYC on Twitter for the most recent updates!

FTC: Youth Are Awesome was provided with passes to attend this event, but all opinions remain completely genuine. ♥