Read This: Storm Thief


Storm Thief is a novel by author Chris Wooding.  The novel is set in the future on an island-city known as Orokos.  Orokos is constantly threatened by “probability storms” – random storms that warp reality and can make anything happen.  There is war on the island along with crime and cruelty.  The force of governance on the island is corrupted and ineffective at keeping order and the people are segregated.

The story follows Rail and Moa, two professional thieves.  Their lives change when they discovered a piece of technology that belonged to an extremely advanced and extinct race.  Soon they are on the run knowing that capture means death.  On the way they meet the character of Vago, and the three outcasts make a journey across the islands facing countless threats and making giant discoveries.

This novel explores themes like prejudice, corruption, war, and humanity’s need for order, all in an action packed adventure.  This book is fast paced and intense, but at the same time, it is deep and meaningful.

I would recommend this novel to anyone above the age of 13, but this novel will require a higher level of understanding to truly appreciate it.


  1. I read Crashing by Chris Wooding back in Jr. High and started to read Storm Thief a number of years ago but never got through it. Maybe I'll pick it up for some Christmas reading.

  2. yeah, i have to addmit, i didn't like the novel at first, but once things picking up and started to make sence it became very hard to put down. if u like chis wooding you should try to read "the fade" a masterpiece of a novel but very depressing and also hard to get through in the begining, i might review that novel soon.

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