Read This: John Green Part 1


Paper Towns is one of the best books I have every read.  Then one day, a thought hit me – if Paper Towns is my favorite novel, why haven’t I read more books from the same author?  It would make sense that if I’m look for a book similar to Paper Towns, I would read a book written by the author of Paper Towns.

So I went on the website of the Calgary Public Library and typed the name of the author (John Green) into there search engine.  As a result, I found four novels written by him – Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Let it Snow (3 connected stories by 3 authors including John) – so I requested the three that I haven’t read and I plan to share them with you.

My knowledge of John Green (as an author) is based on reviews, and the novel Paper Towns.  From what I know, he writes love stories for teenage guys.  By that I mean, he writes meaningful, well-done stories filled with themes and hilarious “guy humor”, but girls may like them too.

The book Paper Towns contain material not suited for readers under the age of 14 and his other novels may be the same.

Tune in next week for part 2 (Let it Snow).