Ramblings About the Future


Do you ever get freaked out about how much you have to do? You spend hours of your day at school, maybe six hours, maybe eleven. Then you’ve got all your extracurriculars or work or whatnot that you attend. Then you probably have some sort of chores or help around the house somehow. Then, you still have all that homework that somehow always seems to be at its peak on your busiest day. Then, when you’re done all that, it’s already time (or way past time) to go to bed because you have to get a decent amount of sleep so that you’re somewhat awake the next day.

Sometimes I think about how if I didn’t put so much effort into schoolwork, I might just generally end up happier. “I don’t even care anymore” I say as I continue to care very deeply that I’m doing well. At this point, I’ve been caring deeply for such a long time that I can’t just undo it all right away. Because then, when I don’t do as well, I begin to panic that I’ll never get anywhere in life, even though I know that it’s irrational. I think about how I have to get into university and get scholarships and all that so that I can supposedly get a good job and live a reasonably okay life and buy a house, because that’s what you’re supposed to do to be an adult, and then what do you know, it’s time for retirement, and then I begin to wonder how much I actually have to save for retirement, and then remember that I’m still in high school and have more pressing matters at hand than panicking about the future.

When you really step back and look at it, you realize that your current stresses might not even matter 5 years from now, 6 months from now, or even a week from now. If you think about it, it’s important to remember to live in the moment. Even though you probably see that message often to the point that you don’t even acknowledge it, it’s still some good advice. While it’s important to plan for the future, it’s easy to get caught up in the uncertainty of it all. Maybe I’ll try to remember that next time I’m freaking out about all that I have to do and why I’m doing it.

If I have the time.


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