Quidditch in reality?


Since we’re on the topic of Harry Potter, CTV news has quite an interesting article about something related…

That’s right, Canada’s McGill University is the first university in Canada to have an official Quidditch team!  (Shame on you if you had to click the Wiki link for Quidditch. 😉 )  Two months ago, they competed in the 2009 Intercollegiate Quidditch Association World Cup that took place at Middlebury College in Vermont.  Unfortunately, they didn’t win, but that’s okay!

Twenty-two teams competed in the Cup this time, all of them being American teams aside from McGill.  The 2009 Cup was actually the third time the event was taking place.  I definitely had no idea that Quidditch actually existed in the ‘real world’ up until this article was brought to my attention.  I hope you watched the video in the CTV article, you get to see muggle Quidditch in action!  Neat stuff, no?