A glance into Lisbon, Portugal


I had the fortunate opportunity of travelling to a city of art, beauty, and culture – Lisbon, Portugal. From the moment I walked out of the airport, I felt as though I was in a painted picture. Everything around me felt so culturally and artistically connected. From the buildings to the cobblestone streets, everything took my breath away from me. I was paralyzed by the magnificence of the city, it was somewhere I had always dreamed of being. Families would sit at cafes and enjoy breakfast together, couples would sit on the dock watching the sunset, and teenagers like you and me would be walking around on those cobblestone streets with their friends creating lasting memories. It was a dreamland alike to one we grew up reading about in fairytales.

The city reminded me a famous quote by Paul Coelho in his famous novel, The Alchemist, “It’s true that everything has its Personal Legend, but one day that Personal Legend will be realized. So each thing has to transform itself into something better, and to acquire a Personal Legend, until someday, the Soul of the World becomes one thing only.”

While I was there I had to snap some shots as memories of that picture perfect city, and today I want to share them with you, I hope you enjoy and perhaps to one day visit that city of magic.