Project 4 Awesome 2010


So I was on Twitter and I found that a lot of the people I follow had hash-tagged #P4A at the end of every tweet. I went on YouTube, and found out it stands for Project 4 Awesome! There were many videos featured so I clicked one and it led me to the channel of the guy who started this project. I watched some of the videos and learned that on Dec. 17 at noon-ish a bunch of people made their own YouTube video with the title Project For Awesome about their favourite charity; what it’s about, who is involved, how you can donate. Then they have to go like, favourite and comment on every Project For Awesome video they can find. This guy named Hank (the one who started the whole P4A thing) said that he and another person named John are going to donate one penny to charity for every comment on every video. That may seem like not very much but it really adds up! Go to to learn more about this great event.