“Pray the Devil Back to Hell”: Movie under the Stars


Go see a FREE OUTDOOR FILM screening on the rooftop of the Alexander Calhoun Library!

Raging human atrocities and massacres ravaged the African country of Liberia. This savage civil war knew no boundaries- villages were pillaged by child soldiers, innocent civilians were targeted by the rebels and government alike and terror trapped many fearful persons in their own homes. It’s an devastating issue that’s closer to my heart than most people will know.

But the film portrays the remarkable story of several women; of their incredible leadership, perseverance and bravery in the face of war. It is to this uprising women’s movement that peace inevitably triumphs over the civil war. Watch the amazing journey that the women of Liberia take- reaffirming faith, courage and forgiveness. “Peace is a process, not an event.” Watch it happen. It truly is a top notch movie.

Film starts at 8 p.m. on Thursday September 29th. Popcorn will be supplied upon donation to the Canadian Red Cross. All proceeds go towards the Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation Project run by the Liberian Red Cross.