Post-exam season: Read this when you are finished with your exam!


Guys. We did it. Exams are over. First of all, I am very proud of you. As a high school student like you, I can feel the anxiety you felt during a Christmas break, sleepless nights with silent cries, neverending comparisons with others, and the doubt you felt every day about whether you are studying effectively or not.

But anyhow, we’ve been through this, and we did it! So that is an important part; no matter what you got, whether you are happy or not, I would like to remind you that you are a strong person.

Yes, I did my exam too. There is a subject that I am happy about, and of course, there is a subject that I am definitely sad and depressed about. I want to time-travel to that day and tell myself not to change the answer at the last moment. Well, like you, I am one human being who was surrounded by anxiety before the test. Still, with depressed about the test that I did not do well on. However, I changed my mindset, and that mindset helped me through these past few days. Not only got rid of my depression inside me, but it also gave me courage and confidence. So, here are three mindsets that helped me a lot!

(This owl is even dancing for you, for your positive vibezz)

Think Positively, Focus On What You Can Control, and You Are Precious

Yes, exams have ended. Regretting, crying, and getting mad won’t help you from this point now. Think rationally. You can’t change the answer, and you can’t change the mark. It is time to accept reality with a calm attitude. These are the things that you can’t control right now; the result of your exams. So do not focus all your mindset on the past exam. However, focus on what you can control; your next tests.

Do not lose your confidence from the past exam. Don’t you dare think that the three pages of paper and 70 questions show your potential, future, and your confidence. You are a precious being who deserves to think positively in this world, not be controlled by the three-page paper. You are definitely more than three pages of questions, so think of this as an opportunity.

Yes, I know, of course, you’ve heard “Think this as your learning opportunity” hundreds of times, but you know you do not have much time to improve yourself from this learning opportunity, and you think it is a short time to improve and boost your marks. I feel you. I still think this. Don’t worry; you are not the only one, even the one who is literally writing about mindset for the after exams, still anxious and feeling doubt about if I will be able to be good in next term (But by writing this and reminding myself makes me feel better).

This is definitely a learning opportunity, and next time, you will improve on this exam. And, here it comes, things that you can control; your next exam. Use educational resources to pre-learn before the next term. Make a specific study plan and write down what you have to do from next term by reflecting on yourself from this term. This will definitely make you feel better and strong as you know your weaknesses and strength, and you recall how to improve your weaknesses to your strength for the next test, the thing that you can control.

Lastly, and most importantly, say “I am very proud of you” to yourself. Why? Because you deserve that sentence. I can feel your hard work and the tears behind your smile. You did it. I am very proud of you, and you will be fine.
Thank you for reading this, and I truly hope you have a lovely day.

image source : (1)(2)