Every Poppy Counts


Have you been bearing your Flanders poppy in honor of Canada’s veterans over the last couple of days? With Remembrance Day coming up, it’s important for us to keep in mind all of those who made sacrifices in honor of Canada. There’s more to this day than memories and poppies.

A big thanks to everyone who attended this year’s Youth Volunteer Fair on November 6th, 2015 hosted by the Mayor’s Youth Council’s Outreach sub-committee. With a countless number of youth hovering over each of the ten tables set up, we are definitely going to see a lot more youth involved around Calgary. One of the guest organizations in this year’s fair was the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army boasts a variety of volunteer opportunities for youth such as participating in their kettle campaigns, organizing gift hampers and more! Under the Salvation Army’s Veteran Affairs services, every year the ministry will serve thousands and thousands of Canadian veterans in need. Services are provided in recognition of the sacrifices made by veterans for this country.

Just remember that by giving thanks, providing services or wearing a Flanders poppy, you are showing your respect and appreciation to our Canadian veterans.
