Let’s Point the Spotlight on Bottled Light!


It’s already a common issue that electricity in third world countries can be hard to obtain. It can be due to their geography, budget, or availability, but many places don’t have the pleasure of electricity at the flick of a button. Think about it, what’s the number one reason we use electricity? Light! Every room in our home has a light, and imagine if suddenly you didn’t have any. No lights, no windows, no carpet or hardwood floor, no painted walls. Instead, you have a small metal shack where the only light is the minuscule amounts peeking through the cloth covering the door. You live your sheltered days and nights in complete darkness. Although it’s a stretch for us, in some places, it’s life.

So how do you tackle and issue like that? Well it all started in Manila’s poorest district in 2011. With the use of an empty bottle, water and glue, a home was lit up without the use of electricity. Don’t believe me? See for yourself here. Liter of Light is all about bringing light to the darkness in an affordable way. Starting in San Pedro, Laguna, they lit up 10 000 homes. Then moving onto to Switzerland, Phillipines, and many more places. It’s a great project to check out and donate to, because although we can’t improve their standard of living overnight, we start it by giving them a light.

Check it out at aliteroflight.org/