


If again your alarm
Refuses to ring
And you spill that glass
Of milk you were drinking

Even if the bus
You’ve always been catching
Ignores you so blatantly
Leaving you waiting

Even when your budget
Just doesn’t work out
Or when no one 
Seems to want to help out

And when things fall apart
Causing loss, causing grief
Draining your hope
Succumbing to weep

Even when you make mistakes
That cannot be fixed by a sorry
That enjoyment is gone
Replaced by this worry



Even when you feel
That all hope is gone
Just let that smile
Keep pushing you on

As your smile will bring
Color to the sights
Melody in the air
Comfort to the frights

Your smile will bring
Even more smiles
An unstoppable aura
That radiates for miles

As you hold on to your smile
You hold on to hope
As you bestow this gift
That lets the world cope


Just look beyond
This unforgiving storm
With darkness for miles
That only sadness can be born


Even when you feel
That all hope is gone
Just let that smile
Keep pushing you on


See the beauty in the flakes
The warmth of the fire
The arrival of spring
And a rainbow to admire

The alarm would be set
The spill will be cleaned
The bus would arrive
If you just keep smiling

Although it is important to be able to feel sadness and negative emotions, there is definitely beauty in smiles. Smiles spread joy to other people and make the world all the more colorful and vibrant. This poem is for everyone who might feel like they’re losing hope, that their very own smiles give themselves the joy they deserve. Recently, the attacks on Paris have shocked a lot of people, causing them to turn to fear and sadness. We have to nevertheless understand that certain things aren’t within our control, and we have to thus focus on the things are. Smiling is definitely within our control.

If you guys are interested in reading more of my writing, click here. Enjoy 🙂