Poem: the life of living on the streets


Hi everyone.

In my spare time, I decided to write a poem about the thoughts that run through my head during these cold winter days! Essentially, all I can think about are the homeless people that wander around our city looking for a warm and cozy place to live… something we take for granted. Today, you can help make a difference by volunteering at a homeless shelter or even providing the shelters with warm blankets or clothing. You should know that while you’re turning up the heat, someone else is trying to protect them self from getting frost bite.  Without further ado, here is a poem called “The Life of Living on the Streets.” It’s quite short, except I believe this poem is powerful. Enjoy!

My world consists of living on the streets,

The life of always taking a back seat.

No voice, no opinion, no thoughts matter,

No physical strength to climb up the ladder.
People around look at me as if I’m dead,

“Its his fault, he’s the one to the blame.”, the people said.

The truth is I lost my job and ran out money.

Everyone’s just laughing, thinking living in poverty is funny.
This cruel world believes I planned my life this way,

Let’s be honest, I make a wish to die everyday.

All I’m asking for is a miracle, someone can you hear me?

I want to have a home. My kids, I want to see.


I rely on finding used cans from pollutiohelping_the_homelessn.

Maybe one day I’ll find the essential solution.

You should be grateful for the life you are given.

You have warmth, love and prosperity.

While I have to rely on charity.


Dear world, hear my voice.

Living in poverty was never my choice.

I lay here on the street, waiting for bills,

The icy weather giving me the chills.


I never wanted life to be like this.

The life of not knowing how to feel bliss.

You can help save people like me.

Make a difference in the world, you’ll see.