Planning Canada’s Birthday Bash!


Canada Day is indeed in July and is indeed months away… 5 months, to be exact. But the City of Calgary is looking for volunteers to join the planning committee for Calgary’s Canada Day Celebrations now!

Canada Flag Heart

What do you do for this committee? Well, basically, you plan the Canada Day Celebrations at Prince’s Island Park and Olympic Plaza. There are about seven different areas that you can help with on the committee: activities, entertainment, hospitality, volunteer, food and merchandise, information and public services, and site services.

Check out Volunteer Calgary and The City of Calgary for more details on this volunteer position! The application form can be found on the page  from The City of Calgary, or you can click here.

The City of CalgaryVolunteer Calgary

The deadline for committee volunteer applications is March 5, 2010, but don’t dawdle! This a unique opportunity, don’t let it pass by! 🙂