Pinspired: The 11th Doctor


Welcome to my new attempt at trying to create structure in my life through a blog series.

Pinspired is a blog series I’m starting where I scour Pinterest for DIYs and inspirations, then show you my take here. So as some of you may know, the Calgary Comic Expo is coming to Calgary, and I had the privilege of meeting Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, who play the Eleventh Doctor and companion Amy Pond (respectively) on British TV show Doctor Who.

The Comic Expo is a place filled with creative and beautiful cosplays and inspired outfits – something I never had the nerve to do. If you don’t know what a cosplay is, it’s simply dressing up as a character from a book, TV show, video game, etc. Originally stemming from Japanese anime and manga, cosplay is now an umbrella term for people who like to pay homage to their favourite characters a la Comic Con.

This year, I’m actually doing two inspired outfits: one inspired by the eleventh doctor, and another by Dean Winchester from hit TV show Supernatural (synopsis: hot angels, guys in leather jackets, moose, crying).

I actually have yet to find my pieces and put it together, but below I’ve listed a couple of pins that I’m currently drawing ideas from for the eleventh doctor.

As this is just an introduction to Pinspired, the following posts will be about finding the pieces, putting it together, cosplay hacks, and also a small segue into my own Comic Con Survival Guide.

Stay tuned – you won’t regret watching me slowly deteriorate from stress of trying to find proper clothing articles (I’m funny when I’m stressed*).

So below are two I found on Pinterest – my next blog will focus more on Eleven’s attire and drawing ideas from that. For now this introduction is just to get my feelers out – what do you think about Pinspired?


*I’m funny all the time.

Inspired outfit from: accidentallysyd on Polyvore
Inspired outfit from: accidentallysyd on Polyvore


Outfit board put together by: Amy on Pinterest
Outfit board put together by: Amy on Pinterest