Picture(s) of the Day – Schizophrenia


Source: Darryl Cunningham – Tall Guy Writes

I felt like this was important to post given the stigma commonly associated with people who have mental conditions. The more we understand about them, the more we can try to help.

1 schizophrenia

2 schizophrenia

3 schizophrenia 3

4 schizophenia

5 schizophrenia

6 schizophrenia

7 schizophrenia

8 schizophrenia

9 schizophrenia

schizophrenia 10

11 schizophrenia


  1. My relative, my nephew, has just been diagnosed with schizophrenia at 16 yrs old. Your post was educational and would love to share it with my family.

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