Picture the Future Campaign: City-Wide High School Competition


Calling out to all high school students in Diefenbaker, Pearson, Churchill, and Western! This February-March, a picture taking marathon is taking place to raise awareness and money for Red Cross’s Child Advocacy and Rehabilitation Program in Liberia. The money raised will help rehabilitate child soldiers and orphans back into society. You can participate by picking up a camera, taking a picture with each of your friends and relatives holding up a sign with a meaningful message (such as “I believe in education for all”), and asking for a pledge.  Your pictures will become part of a large collage: a prize that will go to the school with the most pledges.

Don’t forget to watch for some special Picture the Future events that will be going on around school, like launch campaigns and Wushu performances!

We’re also looking for steering committee members! As a member of the steering committee, you will receive facilitation training with Red Cross, plan campaign events in your school, collect pledges, and help promote the campaign to your community. Don’t miss out the chance to gain some valuable leadership experience and get involved with a worthy cause.

If you’re interested in joining the steering committee or want additional information, please email  Lisa and WeiJia at picturethefuturemovement@gmail.com or visit our blog  www.picturethefuturemovement.wordpress.com
You can also become a fan of our page on Facebook: Picture the Future Campaign.

Join the movement!