Photo of the Day: Your excuse is invalid



  1. Hi Jen,

    I love this photo so very much. Wow, so inspiring! I have just bought a physio clinic in BC, and I am looking for the most motivating and inspiring photos I can find. Would it be possible to use this photo in my clinic? I am not sure who I would need permission from – who has rights to the photo- but I thought I’d check first with where I saw it!

    Thanks so much, and I greatly look forward to hearing from you!

  2. Hello Jen,
    Awesome picture!!! as a high school teacher I look everyday for ways to motivate my students. This picture is wonderful and would like to make it into a poster and display it in my classroom. Is it possble to do that? I am not familiar with Youth Are Awesome and will be after look into it and would love to make a donation.
    Please, help me get that photo in a poster…

    Rafael Duran.

  3. I’m a special education teacher and would really like to buy a copy of this poster. Please tell me how.

  4. As adults we settle into a routine of whining and complaining when things don’t go our way, make excuses for things we are too lazy to do. This little boy is not only resilient, but he is enjoying life. He is a reminder that we all need to enjoy our life, but we need to go that extra step and make our dreams happen! WHAT AN INSPIRING AND SPIRIT LIFTING YOUNG MAN!!!

    God has blessed him with the ability to inspire at such a young age! What a gift!

  5. Could I get a poster of this? I want to hang it next to my treadmill. I haven’t run a 5K since college and want to run the 5K for the National Kidney Foundation. Three years ago, my mom’s life was saved because of a donor. We have been in contact with the donor’s family, and I want to run it in the donor’s memory. I have been totally intimidated about training for it… I am now 40 and SO out of shape. This picture brought tears to my eyes… No, I don’t have an excuse. Thank Cory for me. My life has been changed forever because of his courage. I am also hoping that this will help my husband. He is mildly handicapped and has put on a lot of weight. He feels like he is incapable of losing it. I think hearing Cory’s story may give him an emotional uplift as well. I will pay for the poster if you could arranged something. God Bless! Tara

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