Phineas Gage: Neuroplasticity in Action

Phineas Gage–a 19th century railroad construction man–survived a horrific accident that dramatically altered his behaviour, and has continued to fascinate researchers and the general public for over a century. This case had a profound impact on our understanding of the intricate relationship between the brain and human behaviour.


In the field of Neuroscience, few case studies have left as permanent a mark as that of Phineas Gage. Phineas Gage–a 19th-century railroad construction man–survived a horrific accident that dramatically altered his behavior, and has continued to fascinate researchers and the general public for over a century. This case had a profound impact on our understanding of the intricate relationship between the brain and human behavior.

What Happened to Phineas Gage?

On September 13, 1848, 25-year-old Phineas Gage was working as a railroad construction foreman in Cavendish, Vermont. During a routine procedure, a seemingly catastrophic accident occurred. An iron rod, weighing over 13 pounds and 3.5 feet in length, was propelled through his left cheek and out the top of his head, damaging significant portions of his brain in the process. Remarkably, Gage survived this seemingly unsurvivable accident, and shortly after regained consciousness and was able to speak and walk, although he exhibited severe changes in his personality and behavior. Friends and family reported that the once responsible, polite, and soft-spoken Gage had transformed into an impulsive, rude, and unpredictable individual, causing his colleagues to even state that he was “no longer Gage”.

How Did the Accident Affect the Brain?

Gage’s dramatic behavioral change piqued the interest of his physician Dr. John Harlow. Harlow documented Gage’s case and noted that the iron rod had damaged a significant portion of Gage’s frontal lobe–this realization became a pivotal moment in the history of neuroscience. The frontal lobe, a region at the forefront of the brain, is associated with complex cognitive functions, such as decision-making, social behavior, and personality. Gage’s case offered profound insights into the role of the frontal lobes in regulating behavior, as damage to this region had a profound impact on his personality. 

Results of His Accident

His case sparked decades of research and inquiry into the relationship between brain injuries and changes in behavior and has prompted significant advances in our understanding of neuroplasticity–the brain’s ability to adapt to injury and recover some functions. Gage’s story demonstrated that while some damage is irreversible, the brain has the capacity to compensate for loss and develop new neural pathways. His accident and its consequences continue to inspire research and exploration, reminding us of the resilience of the human brain in the face of adversity. Phineas Gage, a man forever changed by a tragic accident, has forever changed the way we think about the brain and its role in shaping our lives.


Magazine, S. (2010, January 1). Phineas Gage: Neuroscience’s most famous patient.

Teles, R. V. (2020, December). Phineas Gage’s great legacy. Dementia & neuropsychologia.

Encyclopedia Britannica, inc. (2023, October 10). Phineas Gage. Encyclopedia Britannica.