A PhD in chocolate?!



If I told you, you can now get a PhD in chocolate, would you believe me? Would you believe that you could major in a dessert? For all of you with a sweet tooth perhaps this is your perfect opportunity? According to statesman.com this is now a new program being introduced to Cambridge University in the U.K.

Graduated from high school, have no direction as to what to do? Perhaps done your undergrad and still in the search for your passion? Maybe this is it. Maybe your sudden and crazy cravings for chocolate have brought you here!

However this is no jolly ride, nor is it anything like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! This is real business. The Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology are in search for Ph.D student to do research regarding the “melt-ability” of chocolate. Requirements to do the study include having studied sciences especially physics, chemistry, or engineering for the past four years!


“Sadly, a long history of polishing off family-size Galaxy bars in front of Gossip Girl won’t count as credentials.” Metro writes! 

Cambridge says the applicant should figure out how to keep chocolate from melting in warmer climates yet have the same quality when purchased and eaten by the consumer. However this entire project is “mainly experimental.”

Interested? Not yet? Well wait till you hear this! The internship is fully paid for and will last three and a half years. Can you believe it? What more can a chocolate lover and dreamer want? Too bad not all of us have the qualifications to Major in Chocolate. I know if I did the chocolate would be gone before the research even started.

What are your thoughts? Would you Major in Chocolate? Would you be able to have the self restraint? Would you enjoy working with chocolate for three and a half years?

For more information check out this link: statesman.com!
