Perspective Pt. 7: KABOOM!


No, silly! We’re not blowing up pictures, we’re blowing out pictures! This is probably one of the easiest things to do in a shot, simply because you only have to adjust one setting 😀

See that button just above the menu/set button in this picture?

Every camera should have a button with that little black and white logo on it somewhere. That’s the exposure compensation button. What it does is let you lighten and darken your picture to get the best colour balance. The positive end of the scale makes the picture lighter, and the negative end, darker. (+/- EV)

All it takes is turning it up to around 1.5+ EV on my camera to turn a normal picture into something striking…

Good luck, and remember: if you take a cool picture and you really want to show it off, go ahead and post it in out Flickr group!


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