Perspective Pt. 5: And Now We Wait…


This week in our Perspective series, we’re going to try to do the opposite of last week! Don’t remember what that was? Click here!

Instead of taking pictures really fast, we’re going to take them very slowly. The main use for this is most likely night shots, but I has many uses. With a little practice, you’ll be creating masterpieces like these:

Neat, eh?

The technique to a long exposure is astoundingly easy, and yet it yields such beautiful results! Here it goes:

  1. Make sure it’s dark out 😉
  2. Set up a tripod or stable surface on which to put your camera.
  3. Go to either Full Manual of Shutter Priority mode on your camera
  4. Take a picture with a 1 second shutter.
  5. If it’s too dark, go up to 2 seconds, and on and on, etc.
  6. Make sure that you’re not touching your camera when the shot is taken; set a timer before the shot.
  7. Experiment and have fun with it!

Happy Spring Break!   – The Gentleman Scholar