Perspective Contest!


I know this is what you’ve all been waiting for… an actual photography contest where you could win a prize! (albeit a small one). There will be four contests in all, encompassing the skills you have learned as students of the Perspective series. The winner each week will be announced prior to the next week’s challenge being posted. The winning photos will be chosen according to originality, following the challenge objectives and overall awesomeness!


  1. Make a Flickr/Yahoo! account here. If you have one already, please don’t feel pressured to make a new one ; )
  2. You’ll need to first upload the picture to your Flickr account, and then add the picture to the group pool. Here’s the page; it’s pretty self-explanatory.
  3. Head on over to the YAA Perspective Photography page. Feel free to become a member if you want, but it’s not necessary for the next step.
  4. You are allowed to upload 3 pictures per week to the pool, so try to pick your favourites. RULE: IT MUST BE YOUR OWN PHOTO. We have ways of checking.

When a winner is chosen for that week, I will directly message your Flickr account asking for a code and your email; this code will be included at the end of the contest posting on Youth Are Awesome, so that only YAA readers are getting the prizes, and the email is so that I can send you an awesome iTunes song. Or, if you’re not an iPod person, a song from Puretracks.

The winners will also be featured in the next week’s post! SO… Let’s get started!

Week 1 Challenge:

A macro photo. Pretty simple, but there are so many places you readers could take this. Please try to keep the editing to a minimum. If you need a refresher, I touched on macro photography in Perspective Pt. 2: The Basics. Good luck, and happy shooting!

Keyword: Analog