Perks of volunteering? Workshops!

Photo Credit: Public Speaking Comics by Felicia Slattery

I’m dead serious, I consider workshops to be wonderful opportunities offered by volunteer organizations. You are to able learn and become engaged in very exciting and productive topics that usually raise the awareness of global issues. These presentations have been very useful to me in the past, touching upon the issues of racism, bullying, becoming a mentor, environmental leadership and awareness, the nature of advertisements and becoming an active global citizen. Now I can add public speaking to my wide collection of knowledge! Public speaking is definitely a skill that is particularly useful in today’s world, from speeches given by politicans to hailing a taxi cab in New York, the ability to coherently communicate to “the people” is essential if you want to get a point across.

Whenever I want to become involved in any activity I’ve always hit the library to borrow masses upon masses of books relating to that topic. From break dancing to the manual of how to win at Monopoly, I’m a faster researcher than experiencing the activity hands-on. Which, if you think about, is rather strange for some topics, such as public speaking (and even stranger for break dancing, and for the reading I’ve done, have only accomplished a odd freeze). There are just some things you have to actually experience than be stuck in a corner with your nose in the book wishing you were doing what ever it is you want to be doing.

Like Joel Hilchey. If there was ever a public speaker I would love to imitate, it would be him. An inspirational speaker, I had encountered his energetic and motivating speaking at last years Global Youth Summit, an event that had hosted a bunch of workshops for youths and ended after this amazing man’s speech. He was extremely humorous and engaging, what with juggling rat traps and Seussical accounts, he really knew how to draw in a crowd of youths.

So I’m very excited to be able to attend a two day Facilitation Skills Training! Eight hours each on Saturday and Sunday, for those interested in improving public speaking, leading groups and discussions. This is the Canadian Red Cross’ national facilitation workshop. Used to prepare delegates for their domestic and international roles.”

Hopefully, after this I’ll be better equipped to get involved in the world!