Facebook means profile picture. Profile picture means wasting eons with your camera, trying to get that pristine, perfect, “effortless” look. Taking advantageous photos is hard. Here are some tips on taking the perfect selfie:
1. Forehead out, chin down.
If you’re taking a head shot, you can prevent a Jabba the Hut chin simply by sticking your forehead out. Not too much. But, enough so that shadows will catch your jaw and emphasize it.

2. Learn what lighting works best for you.
Lighting changes your face. Drastically. If you’re highly desperate for a truly fabulous picture, spend your Saturday experimenting with light. Try different periods in the day, in different venues, with artificial and natural light; whichever makes you look the best. Harsh flashes are not good for oily skin, and they can be glaring. If you need a flash, try covering it with toilet paper to soften the light. Natural light is usually better, unless you’re under the glaring sun. Mild sun, or cloudy days are the best lighting for everybody.

Side lighting is generally better than front lighting for everybody. Unless you want to totally wash your face out with white light, which can be beneficial if you have many blemishes.
3. Don’t take a bathroom mirror shot with your phone.
Ew. Cliché much?
4. Instead…try something different. Be creative!
Spice up your photos. Add something unique. Whatever. Be imaginative. And, even if you are terribly un-photogenic, you can still take something funny and fabulous. If you really want to get people to hit that “like” buttons, humor works well! You also don’t have to try to be pretty, which is such a plus.
5. Pick a nice background setting.
Okay, well, maybe I violated this. Actually, I usually TRY for a ridiculous look because that’s my thing. But. If you want it to be a pretty picture, have a nice background. My photo, if you look carefully, has a bunch hot spring-ers in it. Classy.
6. Pose!
Posture is key to a good picture. You look slimmer if you tilt on a slightly off-balance pose. The typical model pose is 3/4 towards the camera, one shoulder forward, one foot back. Angle yourself in front of a mirror until you find something you like. You can add interest to your photograph if you aren’t directly in the middle. Instead, sit in the first 1/3 or 2/3 of the frame.
7. Wear nice clothes.
Obviously. Find your color. Even if you think it’s a good color on you, it might not be in different lighting. Maybe makeup too. Unless you’re really good at contouring, avoid it if you’re getting your photo taken. The shadows of the makeup can seem highly unnatural. Cameras are also ultra-sensitive to highlights and shimmer. Use with caution.
Oh, and even though this sounds silly, don’t wear mid-calf socks with shorts. This is probably a thing most people wouldn’t consider, but I do it subconsciously all the time. It makes your calves look really fat. Trust me.

8. Avoid bloat?
No one wants to be bloated. Which means, staying off carbohydrates and high-sodium foods. Possibly even cutting down on water. I personally don’t believe in this. Food over everything.
9. Angles.
More angles? So math-y. Take pictures from eye level, or above. If you take them from below, your face looks wider, and you risk double chins. Downwards angles create pointier chins, thinner faces, but also shortness. Take your pick. Typically, you should look over the camera if it’s at eye level so your eyes remain wide open. Long distance shots have a tendency to make eyes look small.
10. Look taller?
I don’t have an issue with this either. But, if you want to look taller, stand on something. I’m not even kidding. Especially if you’re with your uber tall friends. No one will know! To create the illusion of longer legs, stand at the model 3/4 angle again, and bend one leg slightly.

11. Photoshop.
Who says you can’t do it? Instagram is great, especially with all its fancy effects. Go black and white. Muddle with contrast. Usually, girls should have lower contrast, and guys should have greater contrast. Color filter. Erase spots. Whatever!
That’s all my humble knowledge.

Become like Ridiculously Photogenic Guy!