Pearson’s 2010 Grad Talent Show


During the last weeks before exams and the end of school, the fine arts department has defintely been keeping busy with serveral performances occuring at Pearson. A senoir, but possessing no stage show talents, and a fine arts student myself, I was extremely excited when my school hosted a grad talent show, ( to reduce the cost of grad banquet tickets) involving many of my talented friends. The night was incredible, raised over $ 1000 for out grad, and their were certainly phenomanal acts given. Many students came out and chose to perform their own slam poetry, an African dance, a hip-pop trio, improverb acts, a  piano solo and a baton act, show casing the excellent skills and talents many graduating Pearson students possessed. I was lucky enough to capture some of these acts on video, and perhaps watching these awesome youths, it may encourage you to develop some talents as well, because this talent show certainly has inspired me to polish my skills in choir.

[youtube gYibfpfOwcI 500 400] [youtube xgIndpsBoIY 500 400] [youtube ZhLXrm4zO4g 500 400]