Olympics-inspired patriotic nail tutorial


Hi everyone! This is one of my first blog posts in a LONG time!! But I am super excited to get started again (: I’ve found that since it’s the summer and the London Olympics are in full swing, I am getting extra patriotic. So here is a quick tutorial on how to do some Canadian and British inspired nails for the Olympic Games.

Here are some of the tools you need:

  • Red, White and Clear Nail Polish (Blue as well, if you want to do the British Flag)
  • Nail Polish Remover
  • Q-Tips
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Toothpicks

Step 1: Remove any nail polish from before, or start with your bare nails

Step 2: Coat your nails with Red Nail Polish, and your Ring Finger with White (British: Paint ALL fingers with blue)

Step 3: Paint the sides of the ring finger red to create the sides of the Canadian Flag  and use a toothpick and dip it into the red nail polish to create the maple leaf  (British: Paint thin white strips on nails, then layer the red on top)


Step 4: Rip out a small piece of tape and use scissors to cut it into a semi circle (I do this because I am absolutely horrible with French Manicures)

Step Five: Place it on your nail to expose the tips so you can paint over with white nail polish (warning: wait until your original coats of colour are dried, because the tape can rip the nail polish off if it hasn’t dried!!)

Step Six: Use your clear nail polish and and top coat your nails so they last longer!

Step 7: Use your Nail Polish Remover and Q-Tips to remove the nail polish off the edges of your nails

Final Product: Sorry for the messy nails, I did this really quickly.

Now You’re Done!! Hope you guys enjoyed this post (: Let me know if you have any ideas for other nail polish tutorials!!