Paranormal Activity 2 Movie Review


I recently had the chance to see Paranormal Activity 2. If you have seen Paranormal Activity, then you know what you are in for.

As for those of you who don’t understand how this series works… there aren’t any amazing cinematic scenes, all the footage is shot from a handheld camera or a stationary camera. The script is also improvised (they used a technique know as ‘retroscripting’ the same technique used in the Blair witch project). All this is done to make the movie feel realistic. Paranormal Activity 2 is composed of security camera footage and some occasional hand-held camera footage.

Paranormal activity 2 follows Kristi and her family. Kristi is the sister of Katie – the female character in the first movie. As for the timeline, Paranormal Activity 2 takes place before the first movie and ends a little bit after it.

Bottom Line – this movie is basically the same thing as the first (the door moves an inch and everyone starts screaming). That being said, I like the sequel better, it is definitely scarier than the first. This movie has more ideas (not just various objects moving for no reason), it also has a few terrifying scenes that catches the viewers off guard. I give it a 3.5/5.

[youtube 07XbSk7Rjt4]