Paper, napkins, towels, toilet paper?!


Remember your childhood of folding paper airplanes and shooting them across the classroom, or maybe you still do now.  That is origami.  Origami comes from two Japanese words, ori and gami, and literally means ‘fold paper’.  This is an art form that takes ordinary paper to a whole new level, but origami is not restricted to just paper.  From awesome towel animals in hotel rooms, napkin swans on dinner plates, and even origami on toilet paper rolls; origami is everywhere!  Not only are they creative, but also very amusing to make and play with as well.

Basically any sheet material that can fold and hold a crease can be used for origami.  Check out some amazing creations folded simply from paper!  One could only wonder how much time and effort that goes into each of them.  My personal favourite is the big white dragon.

[youtube YCgnFIk5Acg ]

Instead of reading a book, magazine or the newspaper in the washroom, why not take your toilet paper roll and fold it into something unique.

[youtube jRHU_r9LFK4 ]

Whether it is paper or toilet paper, there are many origami books and tutorials on YouTube so go try some out. Happy folding! 😀