Panda: F, Great White Shark: A+


I recently came across an interesting blog which makes it its mission to objectively review animal species and award each a letter grade.

Here’s an excerpt from the jellyfish review.
(Important preliminary knowledge: Jellyfish don’t have brains.)

Not only have they traveled the world and done fairly well despite their brainlessness, jellyfish also manage to kill and devour their prey and deter predators.  Now, one probably wouldn’t be very afraid of a shark that didn’t have a brain. Or a snake without a brain. Or a bear. Indeed, it might be entirely hilarious if a brainless bear was trying to attack you. There’d surely be a website called and it would be ‘dedicated to providing the most recent videos of brainless bears trying to do things.’ But yet we all intuitively sense that a jellyfish – even a brainless one – is a different matter altogether. And that intuition turns out to be completely correct.

‘Animal Review’ is a very entertaining and surprisingly educational read. Written with a wonderful wit, the authors always take into account the conventional awesomeness of each species as well as the biological facts. Check it out and find out why the panda was failed and why the great white shark was given such a high grade.