Palindrome Day: The Significance of Numerology


“Some curveballs may hit hard, but learning to hit those curveballs harder will help you to come back stronger.”

A manifestation is an act of belief that is practiced by everyone in society, whether you are conscious of the action or not. I believe that faith is key to proper manifestation. Alignment with dates and occurrences of events is what you put into the universe, and how you ask it. 

Palindrome Day: Explained 

A few days ago, it was known as “the portal of manifestations”. A day where your manifestations are known to come true. Palindrome day is a day that occurs rarely and to be able to live through it is a blessing in disguise. The day 2/22/22 falls under a Twos-Day, which is incredibly rare. I feel it is not coincidental yet aligned to the path of our higher self. Thinking about current day life, I feel as if the virus has caused many of us to lose connection with our “higher self”; whether that’s from the lower end of the spectrum or higher. For context purposes, your “higher self” can be described as the person who you are, and whom you strive to be from some standpoint. This day was meant to bring some sort of the change in your life whether you may notice it now or in the future. Although some of us may not have recognized the significance of this day, that is not to say that you can’t change your life because there are no alignments. There is always a continuous alignment to your life that makes certain events occur so that you reach the place where you would like to see yourself, or where God/universe sees you the happiest. As well as this, it’s crucial to consider that no matter how hard you are trying there will always be those curveballs being thrown at you. Some curveballs may hit hard, but you have to learn to hit those curveballs harder to come back stronger. 

Numerology: Explained

Numerology is incredibly powerful to the significance of numbers to one’s day-to-day life. There is nothing better than seeing a number over and over again, also known as angel numbers. Seeing such numbers continuously is a sign that angels are watching over you. When such occurrences happen to me, I like to search up what that number means and why I may see it so consistently. I am a believer in God, and I feel as if God is aligning those numbers for me. For example, telling someone that they are on the right path can bring one to peace. Some of the numbers that have been brought upon me have been as realistic as they could get. If you have faith in something, then everything happens in your desire. Have faith in the unexplainable, and the answers will eventually come to you. 

Importance of 2 and Master Number 22: 

Symbolism can play an immense role in our day-to-day lives, as the rusted, copper penny from 14 years ago would be wanted to be cherished for your lifetime. Like this, numerology plays an incredible role in the guidance in the lives of individuals. Certain numbers may represent an aspect of one’s life that they may be doubtful of. It’s important to understand how the day 2/22/22 has impacted many or could prospectively in the future. 

Number 2: 

Virtues that go along with this Number: 

  • Harmony(unity)
  • Togetherness 

These virtues can signify anything occurring in your life from relationships to your career. Number two shows that you may be brought together with people you haven’t talked to in a while. These people don’t have to be considered as friends, yet possible people that are part of your industry. You might be able to receive or even revive new career opportunities, as they might have seen something in you that they didn’t earlier. There can be various ways to put the significance of number two, but if you see it, you might find new doors opening in your life. 

Master Number 22: 

The 2 Masters 22 is known for:

  • “Master Builder”
  • “Master Architect”

Master Numbers is described as “inter-reversible” numbers. These numbers include 11, 22, 33, etc. Seeing such numbers are in representation of great things coming and about to occur in one’s life. It’s many transformations and changes that are coming. Specifically speaking of 22, it says that it symbolizes your dreams coming true. The catch is that if you work hard enough for it, you will get it. Although this is a basic life principle, it’s important to consider. I believe if you believe in something you think is right, why not. Always ask yourself why not, and you might find yourself in places you have never expected to happen. 

Although our lifetime’s Palindrome has passed, let’s consider ourselves lucky to be able to live through such an event. Remember numbers don’t mean everything, and yes, that’s coming from me. Even though numerology is an interesting phenomenon, it’s vital to consider that you can make a difference even if you don’t see certain numbers. Continue working hard, and make sure that dream turns into a reality. 

Sources: 1 2 3 

Quote: Diya Patel(me)