From the Page to the Screen

Ezra Miller (left), Emma Watson and Logan Lerman
The perks of Being a Wallflower written by the talented Stephen Chbosky is a wonderful mix of comedy, drama and romance. Most importantly it is filled with important messages for struggling youth and teens.

I’ve noticed that books into movies have been pretty hot in the media lately, that instantly turn an unknown novel into the most famous read of the year! With The Hunger Games and Twilight being big hits, I was happy to see that lesser known a book that didn’t involve cheesy love triangles and wild story lines was being made into a movie. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower was a wonderful book about a boy sharing his high school experiences to an anonymous pen pal. This book was the perfect breath of fresh air the movie scene needed! Although I have not seen the movie (yet!) I truly love all of the main actors in it! Emma Watson  is all grown up and plays a riskier role than the stubborn Hermoine Granger and Logan Lerman makes a big comeback after the book into movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief. Ezra Miller, a lesser known actor perfectly portrays the outrageous and fun Patrick.

One of my favourite books, City Of Bones written by Cassandra Clare, is being released into a movie in August. The book was great, and I was excited when I heard it was being made into a movie! However, after watching the trailer, I am very disappointed, Clary (played by Lilly Collins) lacks excitement and all of the New York born Shadowhunters are British.  Oh how I wish I could have directed the movie! You can watch the trailer here: 

One of the books I would be happy to see turn into a movie would be The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, the book is a fun yet serious page turner about two cancer patients that fall in love and the adventures that they have together. Although I’m sure that the movie wouldn’t be nearly as good as the book, I believe it would be popular with our generation.

With many books being turned into movies in 2012 and 2013, it is hard to say which becomes more popular, the book or the movie? The lifelong question asked by many can simply be answered by saying neither become more popular than the other, but the franchise itself!  Books being turned into movies creates great publicity for the authors and the directors, but the experience is  not so great for the audience!

– Audrey