Outside Our Window – A Poem


After the sun sets,

there is art behind every window:

A canvas of flickering street lights;

A medley of moving cars.


With every warmly lit house,

There are families eating dinner;

Children laughing and singing;

People gathered together


But the windows stay the same;

Their artwork never changes. 


The same flickering lights,

Blink through the heavy sky;

Keeping workers in buildings

And families apart


When the city falls to sleep,

The painters keep painting;

A canvas with thick heavy layers

of the same chemical smell


A boy from a yellow lit house 

Gazes through his window,

And dreams of driving

A shiny bright car


But the windows stay the same;

Their artwork never changes


A girl from across the street

Stares at the peeling artwork,

And wonders if her distant family

Will ever come home.