Out of Province University Fair this Week!


If you’re interested in attending university outside of the province, you’ll definitely want to check these fairs out! With schools from Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, British Columbia, and the Atlantic provinces attending, all students and parents are invited! There is no admission fee, but a donation to the food bank is appreciated.

The fairs will take place:

Monday October 26th @ Crescent Heights (2:30-4:00) and Sir Winston Churchill (6:30-8:00)

Tuesday Octobe 27th @ Queen Elizabeth (9-10:30am), Western Canada HS (1-3:00pm) and Bishop O’Byrne (6:30-8:00pm)

Wednesday October 28th @ Lord Beaverbrook (9-10:30), Bishop Carroll (1-2:30pm), and Central Memorial (6:30-8:00)

Have fun checking things out!


  1. I actually just got home from the one at Churchill (one h for the 'hill' in Churchill, by the way). It's pretty neat to be able to see all the other universities around the country and ask them any questions you have. Plus, the viewbook for each university is pretty awesome to flip through.


    Just as a by the way, there are more on Thursday and Friday. Except I only have the times and places for the ones on Thursday because I just took a picture of that part of the poster with my phone… : )

    Thursday October 29th:

    Strathcona Tweedsmuir – 9:00AM – 10:30AM

    Ernest Manning: 1:00PM – 2:30PM

    Cochrane High School: 5:30PM – 7:30PM

    (Friday will be at Henry Wise Wood High School at some time…my picture cuts off here.)

    Cheers! : )

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