YW 2010: Saturday and Sunday


The final (official) days of Youth Week 2010 are here!

[youtube vtSYeZk08iM]

There are still a bunch of events happening this weekend, including LiveStyle: Urban Arts Festival (I heard there’s going to be a 2 on 2 bboy and bgirl battle), One Night Only at the Creative Kids Museum at the Telus World of Science (ever wanted free reign of the Science Centre? Here’s your chance!), and Empty Bowls, a youth-run mock soup kitchen event that raises funds and awareness for youth hunger and homelessness in Calgary!

There’s also a few events happening after the official dates of Youth Week (April 24 – May 2), so be sure to visit www.youthweekcalgary.ca for all the info you’ll need to take advantage of the great weather this weekend!