April 20th-27th is coming your way. This is an important week for all of you to mark on your calendars because it’s…YOUTH WEEK 2013.
What is Youth Week?
Youth Week is a week of free or reasonably cheap events dedicated to youth all around the Calgary. The point of these events is to celebrate and advocate youth empowerment, achievement and involvement throughout the city. It connects young people to their communities and it unites us all as we recognize the awesomeness of youth. We want this week to be a spotlight on us ;D
Check out this video with all these outstanding Calgarians as they tell you a bit more about Youth Week.
We’ll be there. WILL YOU?
What events are there?
Oh hey, we have a calendar conveniently dedicated to all the events happening throughout the week. There are discounts, free events, youth-themed activities, educational sessions, and opportunities to try new things and meet other youth. For example, some organizations on board with Youth Week are the Calgary Comic Book Expo , Laser Trek, Epcor Center, Telus Spark, Tutti Frutti and more! Like how can you not want to meet Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) and Stan Lee, play $5 games of paintball and laser tag, watch a free show at the Epcor center, with a discounted visit to the science center all while enjoying discounted yummy froyo? I know you want to.

Schools are even hosting their own events! My school, Queen Elizabeth is organizing a Carnival Week where a week-long Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament is happening all while we’re selling cotton candy, ice cream floats, and Texas donuts! Get your school to set up an event because all this energy from sugar youth-oriented events can only make everyone’s day more positive and peppy. If you need ideas for a school Youth Week event, check ‘er out here!
How do I make an event?
Simple! Follow this link, and fill out all the required information. Send us a picture of your event to youthweek@youthcentral.com. Go fill one out! Submit your event before Youth Week begins. We’re excited for what you guys come up with.

So tell your friends and come on out to enjoy a week dedicated to YOU(th). Punny. Haha.