Our Prayer to the Universe


In honour of the resiliency and courage humanity has against everyday atrocities, Youth Are Awesome has come together to present to you a compilation of our humble prayers for the world. Each prayer symbolizes a component of humanism that perhaps further needs to be developed within the people of our planet; each prayer symbolic in some form of energy in our everyday lives, personal to each blogger.

In times of adversity we tend to forget a famous law of attraction; like attracts like. In other words, positive energy and thoughts reflects in positive action and therefore a beneficial outcome. You may call this karma or science, but regardless, in the name of mankind, Youth Are Awesome shares with you our individual aspirations, as a means to inspire talk around topics that are otherwise referred to as a “taboo.”

As the “director” of this piece, I can definitely vouch for the authenticity our individualistic paths bring us from; however our end goal is very similar- to change the world for the better. We put forth intentions of love and support and humbly hope you do too.

The message of this piece is incapsulated in the following,  “Let us send a prayer out into the universe to restore our faith in humanity and protect all of mankind from the difficulties they may be facing.” 

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