Our Generation; 3 Best Capsules Of Advice For Youth Today


Rotary District 5360 Youth Exchange | Rotary District 5360

There are many things that go on in a youth brain on a daily basis. Sometimes we feel worthless, sad, depressed, used for, not good enough, etc… However, we often tend to assume that the youth around us are all perfect and that it’s only us who are struggling through these obstacles. Yet, the truth is that these mixed emotions that I’ve just listed are normal for any teenager to feel. The least we can do to help others and ourselves feel better, is to let everyone know that this is normal and that no one’s going to judge them if they end up needing to seek help from others. 

Today I am going to be listing the 3 best capsules of advice that I, personally, feel can stabilize youth’s mental and social health. 

How Do We Think? | Wonderopolis

1. Think before you act

It is scientifically proven that the more teens actually think before they act, the fewer problems they get themselves into. It prevents them from rethinking their choices once it’s already been made as well as from facing difficult consequences. However, as teenagers and youth, our brains aren’t completely developed so it is definitely normal to make mistakes that could have easily been prevented just by thinking before taking the action. But, it’s best to learn from this and make sure that the next time you are to take action on anything, you either seek advice from others or think of all the consequences you can run into if you take the wrong route. It can really help stabilize your mental status, as well as grow you into a more mature, independent person. 

Mentoring Youth Helps Prevent Bullying | StopBullying.gov

2. Find an adult mentor

Leading onto my previous point, finding an adult mentor that has similar dreams and goals to you, can really help you stay on track and be inspired to do what you love. It builds passion and compassion for whatever that you are willing to achieve and leads you on the right path to success. For example, my dream is to become an oncologist so I can advise and treat millions who battle cancer and stay beside them throughout their last stages, making it special. My inspiration? My grandfather. Him and I definitely had a very close bond. Ever since the day I lost him to cancer and saw the look in my grandmother’s eyes, I’ve decided that I want to research and do the most I can to prevent others from feeling what I did that day. This has advanced my curiosity about this disease and helps me strive to achieve this major goal. That is when I look at the occupational aspect of it, but who would be a good mentor for mental and social health? Well easily, someone with good intentions, a humble, forgiving personality, and thoughtful advice. For this, I’ve chosen my grandmother to follow in the footsteps of. No matter what she goes through, she always has a smile on her face and is known for her kind and helpful personality. Very forgiving, and of course makes the best South Indian food!

A Calm & Humble Life | "A calm and humble life will bring mo… | Flickr

3.Be humble and open to feedback

As I have said in my preceding capsule of advice, not just do your role models have to be humble, but so do you! Surprise Surprise! On a side note, if you are like me and barely understand the full meaning of being humble, here is my version of the word: Honest. Unassuming. Modest. Believing. Loving. Embracing. These words are what piece up ‘Being Humble’ together. Anyone who is truthful doesn’t jump to conclusions, believes in others, embraces themselves, and is loving to others, is around 100% certified to being humble. But coming back to the topic, on top of being humble, you need one key feature, which is to be open to feedback from others. This can seriously expand your knowledge, as well as make you have a great personality. You can improve yourself into being a better person that is also inspirational to others.  

There are many more that can help develop your personality and stabilize your mental and social health, as a youth, but this is just the base to the cake. Try following these three activities for the next couple of months, and you will definitely see progress in your mental health. You will feel happier, accomplished, and engaged in yourself. I hope this helps! 

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