What it’s like to be an Otafest maid!



The past few months, I had the pleasure of working with dedicated volunteers who helped with the 2013 Otafest Maid Cafe. We had to learn how to do the dance featured in Secret’s Shy Boy video and then during the weekend of Otafest, greet and serve customers!

Overall, volunteering was a ton of fun and very exhausting! Some of the organizers stayed past midnight on Friday to set the cafe (which was beautiful, by the way) and there was a lot of dancing and running around the entire weekend.

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The guests were pretty great and fun to be around, and with their help, the Maid Cafe raised over $2000 for the Canadian Mental Health Association Calgary Branch! Just so you know, Otafest raised a whopping  $12 000 this year.  And it’s all thanks to the awesome con-goers!

For those who were not able to make it, you can still attend Otafest Aurora in November! For those who are interested in helping out, more information will be posted on their forum! You do not need to learn a dance for the Aurora convention.

Here is one of the takes from this year’s Otafest dance: