Ordinary To Extraordinary


Some days … are just supposed to be gloomy.  For example, when you’re suddenly woken up from a sub par sleep, having the night before around 4am decided whether or not to pull an all nighter, or suffer the pain from a three hour nap. Yeah, I had one of those nights. Also keep in mind continuing to suffer from a cold that I’ve been unable to shake for two weeks. Yep, check that off as well. On top of the horrible start to the day, imagine preparing yourself for the mountain of work you have to finish before your deadlines. Bingo- I had the trifecta. Considering my circumstances, I was in no mood to do anything. Nothing was going quite right, and frankly I was angry at the world for putting me in this position, but, I pushed forward with every piece of motivation I had.


The school day was average to say the least, but the real magic of my day actually started with a bus ride home where I resided in my gloomy state, head phones in and my signature ‘don’t talk to me’ face plastered on. A man then boarded on the bus; he was very cheerful with a huge grin on his face. He scanned for a seat, so unwillingly I moved my bag aside. Despite my anything but endearing state he started to talk to me. After a couple of questions I gave in and removed both of my headphones, and truly he was wonderful. He was interesting and kind and truly delighted to hear about my day and I of his. Our conversation took a couple turns before he said to me, “I am so delighted that you chatted with me, your generation is too caught up in everything that they forget to enjoy simple things and they take so much for granted.” He was right, I spent my whole day being so angry and uptight that I am sure I missed many moments I could have enjoyed. After exiting the bus I took my usual route home past the dog park and stopped to pet two beautiful puppies, just what I needed. Once I arrived home there was a fresh pot of coffee which seriously, in my house never happens. And to top it off my package that I had been waiting for for a month had finally arrived.

Now that I look back, that day was actually quite wonderful.
