One short weekend in Calgary, one giant step for Calgarians

The Finish Line

This weekend, I volunteered with Youth Volunteer Corps for two amazing projects.  First, I helped with building a playground at Prominence Park at Patterson (no alliteration intended) and second, I helped with the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer at Spruce Meadows. I must say, these two projects were probably the most laborious and tiresome projects I’ve done, however they were also the most rewarding projects as well. The Ride to Conquer Cancer was a two-day event that worked towards raising money for supporting the cancer cause. Huge thanks goes to the top 10 fundraisers:

1 –  Trent Boehm ($70,214.49)
2 – Andrew Hogg ($68,643.50)
3 – John Osler ($45,870.00)
4 – Donald Chynoweth ($34,698.31)
5 – Gwen Gross ($34,550.00)
6 – Veronica Devall ($34,500.00)
7 – Richard Bird ($34,483.33)
8 – Al Monaco ($34,121.64)
9 – Ruby Wallis ($34,023.00)
10 – Rick Warters ($32,438.00)

Some of the awesome volunteers: Alexis, Ameen and myself!

On Saturday, June 25, the volunteers got down and dirty as they evened out the ground for safety (I must’ve dug out about five huge rocks in the process) and removed excess dirt and rocks around the playground for aesthetic purposes.


More awesome (kind of lazy) volunteers: Bill and Nico!

The playground is still in need of a safety inspection, but once it’s approved, I’m definite it’ll be a huge enjoyment for kids in the neighborhood.


One of the first bikers in.

On Sunday, June 26, the volunteers helped with tying up posters, cheering for the bikers, unloading the bikers’ baggages and covering them from the rain and crowd control. Crowd control was especially troublesome because family members and friends were so eager to see their respective associates that the path at the end of the finish line were getting too crowded for bikers to get through. And despite the rain at the beginning of the project, the weather improved as more bikers crossed the finish line.

All in all it was an invaluable, although tiresome, weekend for Calgary!