One Nation Poem


Hey, here’s another poem from my sweet rapper friend Alex Dias. I hope you guys enjoy it. To find out more about the different religions around the world, click here.

One Nation
By: Alex Dias

We fight Muslims, call ’em terrorists,
For no reason, like the Communists,
Today continues on the senseless fight,
Much like the apartheid, black and white.

They went in looking for WMDs,
All they had was cheap IEDs,
In response to an invasion,
Against conquerors, a revolution.

We label them extremists,
While we are supposed “pacifists”
Curse their view of heaven,
Blame on them, nine-eleven.

Yet, our religions are the same,
We share the idea of Abraham,
Adam, Eve, as well as Jesus,
We all wait for God to save us.

We share Judgement Day,
Fight regardless, come what may,
We all love our family,
Lay down our lives thoughtlessly.

Millions die each day, in a war,
Suicide bombings, bombings of cars,
All done to love and protect,
So why do we create sects?

If someone invaded your country,
Would you fight back? Mutiny?
So, why do we still battle?
Let us live in peace and settle.