One Earth. One Hour.


Earth Hour: what started as an initiative to stop climate change in the city of Sydney, Australia quickly spread internationally and became a ‘global sustainability movement’…

…giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet.

Why should you care?  Think about the fact that this is our only home and look how much resources we take from it.  So, why not try to reduce the damages and maintain it for the future generations to come by giving a back a little?  You don’t need to go out and plant dozens of trees (though that is not such a bad idea).  No, just the simple action of turning off the lights for 60 minutes will make a difference.

[youtube FclcMfzjwug ]

Whether you believe in ‘global warming’ or not, climate change is real and it affects us all.  By turning off your lights you are taking a stand and putting a vote towards a better future for this precious planet we call home.

[youtube 1CRs-7lRlPo ]

Spread the word and remember to show your support for Earth by switching off your lights for an hour at 8:30 PM, Saturday March 27th.

One Earth. One Hour. Earth Hour.


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