Once: An Original Poem


Only once are you born
With one first step in your feet
One first word from your lungs
One first goal to complete

Only once will you
Be introduced and acquainted
You better’ve composed yourself
For the picture they painted


Only once will you
Make that perfect dish
Find that perfect job
And be granted that wish

Only once will you
Wake up like you feel
That you’re truly fully awake
Ready for the cards life deals


Only once can you fall
Be regretful for months
That you followed through with the leap
But hey, you only live once

So know to make it count
As we’re but players on this stage
Who work their lives in the theater
Playing but one scene of the pages

Thus when my heart was once broken
Only once would be wise
I thought love’s one of those things
I’d be willing to try twice

I’m living the motto.

Inspiration for this poem hit when…
When I was told that you can only get to know someone once,
And that getting to know part might mean everything about your relationship.

What an insane idea.

Doesn’t this make this…
This brave new world of ours oh so harsh and unforgiving?
We can but speculate.

As a realist, I truly believe that it cannot be that everyone is against you.
No, they can’t be.
But everyone is rather for themselves.

So serve the world you want to belong in,
And the world will love you back 🙂

If you guys liked this, here’s a link my original poetry compilation called 2A.M. Thoughts. Enjoy!