Obama’s Legacy: A moment for each year


Regardless of who you supported for in this American Election, it is needless to say that above all the drama, controversy and political challenges that people across the world witnessed for 11 months, one man (and his partner in crime), will be sorely missed. Barack Obama came into the American election in 2008 and conquered all odds, not only becoming the first African-American president in American history, but also the first president born outside of the continental United States. Today, let’s take a look back to the 8 best moments of Obama’s legendary 8 years.

Making History (2008) Source

I’ve already mentioned it, but Barack Obama becoming the first black president was monumental to the amount of racism and segregation that was still looming in America. It was a clear message as American’s reflected on the fact that an African-American man would be sworn in as president just a half-century after the events of heavy segregation. “I will preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States, so help me God.”

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Moves Like Jagger (2009) Source

Barack Obama has an odd quirk of singing a few musical notes or two, especially the time when he joined Mick Jagger and BB King at a performance of “Sweet Home Chicago” at the White House. Baarack Obama personally said later that he never thought he would be talked into singing, “but that was the kind of effect his music had [B.B.King], and still does.” Video Source

Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act – Obama Care (2010) Source

With the help of Obama and his signature, Democrats, against opposition of Republicans, were able to pass the first successful and relatively legitimate health care bill since Obama’s presidency. Obama did in fact suffer harsh backlash by many republicans for this, but now that republicans have power over the Senate, Congress and House of Representatives, they are pushing in that direction.

Taking on Donald Trump (2011) Source

Before I get roasted on this, this is not relevant to the 2016 American election. At a White House Correspondence dinner Obama addressed Donald Trumps theory that Obama wasn’t in fact American, and requested to see his birth certificate. Obama took this opportunity to fire away at Trump, and he took no mercy. Video Source

Obama vs Romney Debates (2012) Source

Trying again for a second term in office, Obama had some difficult competition in the form of Mitt Romney. From the plethora of issues and wealth of insults, my personal favorite moment came in the presidential debate, where Romney repeatedly asked Obama if he had ever seen his own pension. Obama, as cool as a cucumber, said: “It’s not as big as yours so it doesn’t take as long. I don’t check it that often.” That line became the top Google search Query for that debate. Video Source

The Best Economy since 1999. (2013) Source

When Obama came into power in 2008, the American economy was in a turbulent period for the country. With slow but steady gains and improvement, the American economy was the best it has ever been, only falling just below the glory days of Clinton in 1999.

The Relatable Obama (2014) Source

Though Barack Obama is the president of the United States, it does not mean he is not human. Obama was often criticized for taking a selfie with United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt. But the fun doesn’t stop there, Obama has also played a few games of table tennis with kids in London and even had a barbeque in the Downing Street garden. (That is the garden of the British government, might I mention). The cherry on top is that Mr. Cameron later mentioned how Obama calls him “bro.”

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Gay marriage Legalised (2015) Source

Obama’s calling for gay marriage nationwide was like “justice arriving in a thunderbolt” and “a true victory of America”. Obama went one step further to ask the supporters of gay marriage to still respect the opinions who differed in thought. “To those who came to believe in themselves and who they were…love is love.”

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Obama and Joe Biden Memes (2016)

With the new president-elect ready to take the Presidential seat in January, the internet paid it’s final tribute to an incredible president, with some of the greatest memes that man-kind has ever seen. It is no secret that Obama’s relationship with Joe Biden is something beyond special, but I personally was on the floor after these. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did, here are some of the best.

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