Easiest way to not procrastinate EVER

Have you had trouble with procrastinating. That’s a silly question. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re already procrastinating.
So, what to do? There is such a simple solution. It will take 10 seconds. And it can be summarized in three words.
Seems like a pretty weird idea. I mean…your dentist would kill you. But, if you feel that your self-control is waning, just swish some lemonade made with real sugar. You don’t even have to drink it!
Those are the cumulative findings of a study from the University of Georgia. Published in the journalPsychological Science, it tells about the fascinating way glucose enhances focus.
51 students were asked to cross out all the Es in a statistics book, a menial task proven to decrease focus (doesn’t take a PhD to figure that one out). Then, the Stroop task; identify the color of words flashed on a screen, which spell out the names of other colors, like in Brain Age. The goal? See the colors, not read the words. Half rinsed with sugar. The other, with Splenda lemonade. The first group was significantly faster.
Researchers concluded the glucose simply touching the tongue triggers carbohydrate sensors, which in turn triggers the brain’s motivational centers. The brain’s main energy source is glucose, after all. However, since glucose is such an essential molecule to the body, it makes you more invested in your goals as well.
Think this is baloney? Easy solution. Test it out. 
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