How To Not Be Noob at Battlefield 3


The recently released first person shooter Battlefield 3 for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC has astonishing graphics. Finally, there is something to prove that the hugely successful Call of Duty series is overrated and that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is just a $60 add on to its predecessor. The game was so anticipated that it made some Call of Duty fanboys switch over and try it. And the result is people playing the game like Call of Duty, which is not how you play it.

Battlefield 3 is a team based game where a single person being good can’t make the whole team win online Call of Duty. Every player has their own class and responsibility. So here are some tips at playing this game.

Play the objective

People making the switch from COD often forget that just killing people won’t make your team win. Play the objective! In the Rush game mode, while attacking, go arm the bombs and help your team move up. Don’t forget to cover it once you aim because it can be defused. If your teammates are arming the bomb already don’t just go prone beside him. Cover him so that enemies can’t kill him. While defending use recon class to shoot faraway enemies, engineer to destroy their vehicles and support and medic to further help your team.

Do Your Job

The loadouts in this game come with kits which are only for itself. When using the assault kit, don’t forget to throw around some medic boxes and revive enemies. Using the engineer class, use the rocket launchers to shoot down enemy vehicles. While land vehicles are fairly easy to disable, airborne vehicles will require some skill and practice, so never give up.  Using the support class, give those ammo boxes to your teammates and use those powerful guns to get some kills. In the recon class, try not to run around a lot and use the C4s and plant them around your objectives. Dont forget to use the strikes as they get a lot of easy kills. Playing your part is very helpful to your team and also helps you level up and unlock better guns.

Spot the Enemy

This can be done in any class. If your gun doesn’t have good range to get the target, just spot by spressing the spotting button on your console. This shows your teammates the player on the map so they can kill them. You even get bonus points!


Battlefield 3 is a team based game so its always good that you have one or two friends in your squad. This makes communication easier. Everything you do with your squad will get you more bonus than doing it with other teammates. Try to stay together and have one goal and everybody have different jobs. For example, the assualt reviving other squatmates, the support giving ammo and the engineer repairing vehicles.