Nominate awesome youth


YODA Poster 2014News of the Academy Awards, the Noble Prize, Grammys, Junos, Golden Globe, the Stanley Cup…

Media, and therefore our lives, are filled with celebrities being prestigiously recognized for doing their jobs and living that life.

But what about the people in our own community, in our own lives, who are going above and beyond to impact society for the better?  Dedicated volunteers, inspirational leaders, creative innovators, obstacle overcome-ers, environmental super heros.

Does this bring an image to your mind?  Maybe someone you’re close to, or someone you just feel close to because of their inspiring super powers?  Well guess what?  It’s not super powers.  It’s super-dedication, passion, and action.

These people deserve recognition.  Luckily, such opportunities are out there!

Youth Central’s Annual Awards (the ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards) are open for nominations until March 3, 2014.  Propellus’ (formerly Volunteer Calgary) deadline is Jan. 31, 2014.  And if those dates spark too much anxiety, the Me To We award nominations are open until May 9, 2014.  So what are you waiting for?  Let people know they are AWESOME.